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Building Efficiency Program

Crocker Industrial Park-aerialThe City of Brisbane has launched a program to address energy and water use in existing commercial buildings to help make them more efficient, thereby saving owners money, improving the safety and comfort of our building stock, and reducing emissions that are driving climate change. The Comprehensive Commercial Building Efficiency Program was launched in mid-2018 through a Climate Protection Grant grant from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District. The first step in the program is development of a city ordinance for commercial building owners to benchmark their building--that is, report on the basic building characteristics and its annual energy and water use--and for some buildings to periodically perform building audits or re-tuning to identify opportunities for retrofits and ensure systems are performing as intended.


Program Progess:


Next Steps: An RFP for the Implementation Phase has been posted; responses are due January 24.

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Questions? Contact Adrienne Etherton, Sustainability Management Analyst, at aetherton@brisbaneca.org or 415.508.2118.