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Complete Streets Safety Committee Bylaws

WHEREAS, on July 27, 1998, the City Council established the Traffic Advisory Committee to advise the City Council on various traffic issues including parking on residential streets, installation of traffic control devices, and other such matters as referred to the Committee from time to time by the City Council or the city staff; and
WHEREAS, on September 20, 2004, the Council refined and formalized the organization and operation of the Traffic Advisory Committee from an ad hoc committee to a formal committee consisting of five (5) members appointed by the Mayor for two year terms and subject to confirmation by the City Council; and
WHEREAS, in 2006, the Council amended the prior policies to allow from five (5) to seven (7) members to serve on the Committee and to specify that meetings should be held on a semi-annual basis; and
WHEREAS, on July 21, 2003, the Council did consider establishment of a Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee to advise the Council on issues pertaining to bicycles and pedestrians; and
WHEREAS, on October 26, 2003, the Council did create and adopt bylaws for a Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, consisting of four (4) members, including a Councilmember, a Parks, Beaches and Recreation Committee member, an appointed member of the public, and a city staff member; and
WHEREAS, the State of California has emphasized the importance of Complete Streets by enacting the California Complete Streets Act of 2008 (AB 1358. Leno), which requires that when cities or counties revise general plans, they identify how they will provide for the mobility needs of all users of roadways; and
WHEREAS, the term “Complete Streets” describes a comprehensive, integrated transportation network with infrastructure and design that allows safe and convenient travel along and across streets for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, persons with disabilities, motorists, movers of commercial goods, users and operators of public transportation, seniors, children, youth, and families; and
WHEREAS,  the California Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006 (AB 32, Nunez) sets a mandate for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions in California, and the Sustainable Communities and Climate Protection Act of 2008 (SB 375, Steinberg), requires emissions reductions through coordinated regional planning that integrates transportation, housing, and land-use policy, and achieving the goals of these laws will require significant increases in travel by public transit, bicycling, and walking; and
WHEREAS, the City of Brisbane desires to further the health, safety, welfare, economic vitality, and environmental well-being of its community through coordinated planning of its local streets network that promotes safe, equitable, and convenient travel for all users while preserving flexibility, recognizing community context, and using the latest and best design guidelines and standards; and
WHEREAS, the Council desires to combine the functions of the previously established Traffic Advisory and Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committees into one Complete Streets Safety Committee. 
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Brisbane as follows:
The Complete Streets Safety Committee is hereby created and shall be governed by the following policies:
1) Organization and Membership.  The Complete Streets Safety Committee shall consist of between five (5) and seven (7) members to be appointed by the City Council.  Such Committee members shall serve without compensation.  Members of the Committee must at all times during their service be residents of the city, and to the extent feasible, appointments shall be made of persons residing in different areas of the city.  Public members of the dissolved Traffic Advisory Committee and Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee may transfer their membership to the Complete Streets Safety Committee.
2) Term of Office.  Committee members serve in an advisory capacity at the pleasure of the City Council.  Committee members shall be appointed for a staggered term of four years, unless the appointment is to fill a vacancy created other than by expiration of a term, in which case the appointment shall be for the remainder of the term.  
3) Officers.  The Committee shall elect from its members a Chair and Vice Chair, who shall hold office for a term of one year.
4) Meetings.  Meetings of the Complete Streets Safety Committee shall be held on a monthly basis at such time and place as scheduled by the Committee staff, and notice of each meeting shall be given in compliance with the requirements of the Brown Act.  
5) Quorum.  A quorum is necessary for a Complete Streets Safety Committee meeting to be held.  A majority of the voting members of the committee shall constitute a quorum.  In the event that there is no quorum, any discussions which are held by those assembled shall be regarded as informal and non-binding.
6) Subcommittees.  Subcommittees may be created as deemed useful by the Committee.
7) Responsibilities.  The Complete Streets Safety Committee shall review the following matters:
a) The first priority of the committee shall be to review and propose a plan to provide safe pedestrian routes to schools.
b) The committee shall review those modifications to the circulation element of the General Plan required by the California Complete Streets Act of 2008, and provide recommendations to the Planning Commission as to whether or not those modifications plan for a balanced, multi-modal transportation network that meets the needs of all users of streets, roads and highways, defined to include: motorists, pedestrians, bicyclists, children, person with disabilities, seniors, movers of commercial goods, and users of public transportation, in a manner that is suitable to the context of the general plan.
c) The committee shall perform initial plan and policy level review of materials relevant to the Complete Streets Act, including, but not limited to bicycle, pedestrian and/or trail master plans and city street standards.
d) The committee shall make recommendations to the City Council on the implementation of relevant programs of the City’s 1994 General Plan policies 38-43 (traffic flow, convenience and access), 44-51 (traffic safety), 52-55 (transit and transportation management, 56-57 (parking), 58-63 (bicycles), and 64-68 (pedestrians) and comparable programs in the forthcoming revised General Plan.
e) The committee shall review grant applications for various transportation and traffic related infrastructure improvements prepared and presented by city staff.
f) The committee shall review such other various public traffic issues as may be referred to them by the City Council, the City Manager, the Director of Public Works or the Chief of Police.
8) Staff Support.  The City Manager’s designees from the Public Works and the Police Departments will serve as staff advisors to the committee, and shall give notice of meetings, keep and maintain records of committee meetings and recommendations, and generally provide such support and assistance as the committee may require in order to perform its responsibilities.  
Effective upon the adoption of this Resolution, the Traffic Advisory Committee and the Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee are dissolved and all resolutions, motions or other actions of the City Council pertaining to the establishment or operation of said Committees shall be deemed to have been rescinded and superseded by the policies set forth in this Resolution.
Raymond C. Miller, Mayor
I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution No. 2013-05, was duly and regularly adopted at a regular meeting of the Brisbane City Council on March 18, 2013 by the following vote:
AYES:  Councilmembers Conway, Lentz, O’Connell, and Mayor Miller
NOES:  None
Sheri Marie Spediacci, City Clerk