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3 Terms to Apply for Open Space & Ecology Committee

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Open Space and Ecology Committee is responsible for open space planning, maintenance, and monitoring within Brisbane; ecological issues that affect the natural environment in Brisbane as guided by the principles of ecological sustainability; and City practices and programs related to natural resource conservation.

The Open Space and Ecology Committee meets on the 3rd Wednesday of each month @ 6:30 p.m.

2 - Four-year terms ending in 2024 are available to apply for.

1- Two-year-term ending in 2022 is available to apply for. 


Applications are available here or by calling or e-mailing:

Ingrid Padilla, City Clerk, at 415-508-2113 or cityclerk@ci.brisbane.ca.us

The deadline for submitting applications is Thursday, April 2nd, 2020 at 5:00pm.

Completed applications can be submitted via:

Fax @ (415) 467-4989; emailed to cityclerk@ci.brisbane.ca.us OR delivered in person to City Hall at 50 Park Place.


Baylands Specific Plan Notice of EIR Preparation and Scoping Meeting

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baylands project site

Notice is officially given today, February 20, 2020, that the City of Brisbane will be the Lead Agency in preparing an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the Brisbane Baylands Specific Plan. The City is interested in your input on the scope of the EIR for the Baylands.

The applicant for the Specific Plan, Baylands Development Inc. (previously Universal Paragon Corporation or UPC) is proposing development of up to 2,200 residential units and 7 million square feet of commercial use, along with an acquisition of an annual water supply of 2,400 acre-feet from the Oakdale Irrigation District. A summary description of the project, its location, background, and the potential environmental effects to be addressed in the EIR can be found here and on the Baylands microsite.

The City of Brisbane is requesting written comments on the scope and content of the EIR, which may be sent to:

John Swiecki, AICP
Community Development Director
City of Brisbane
50 Park Place, Brisbane, CA 94005
Email: baylands@brisbaneca.org
Fax: (415) 467-5547

Due to the current novel coronavirus (COVID-19) health situation, the review period for the Baylands NOP will be extended 30 days and last through Monday, April 20, 2020.

A Scoping Meeting to solicit input from public agencies, organizations, and members of the public regarding the scope and content of the EIR was held on Wednesday, March 4, 2020 at 7pm in the Community Meeting Room at City Hall, 50 Park Place, Brisbane. The meeting recording can be found here.  Click here for the presentation slides.

COVID-19: Stop the Spread of Germs

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stop the spread of germs

As COVID-19 (“Novel Coronavirus”) continues to spread and impact more countries around the globe, we want to remind you of the two most important areas for you to consider to protect yourself, your loved ones, and your community:

Personal Hygiene – COVID-19 is a respiratory virus and the same preventative measures as the flu should be taken:

  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
  • Cover a cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash.
  • Avoid shaking hands, and use a barrier such as a tissue when touching public surfaces (e.g., bathroom door handles).
  • If you are not feeling well with cold, flu or other symptoms – contact your primary care provider, and STAY HOME from school or work.

Personal Preparedness – we are already starting to see effects in certain industries where the supply chain of goods, transportation, and travel have been impacted. Now is the time to:

  • Review your household preparedness. We recommend you follow the same suggestions shown here for earthquake preparedness kits.
  • Attempt to obtain several months’ supply of any critical medications.
  • Think about any other critical supply needs, and stock up on them now (please refrain from buying up medical supplies such as N-95 or surgical masks – it’s more important for healthcare workers to continue to have access to them)

The City is diligently monitoring this fluid situation and will provide updates on the dedicated Coronavirus (COVID-19) Brisbane Community Updates page.  Thank you for your careful attention and mindfulness in keeping our community safe.

March 2020 STAR Newsletter

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Click here to read the March 2020 STAR Newsletter.

March 2020 Marina News

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newsletterlogo2019.png Click here to read the March 2020 Marina Newsletter
