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A Coyote Sighting

keep me wild

Coyote sightings in Brisbane are not rare, but it is extremely hard to bear when they harm or prey on our beloved pets.  We understand this causes a lot of concern, but according to the CA Dept. of Fish & Wildlife, coyotes are by nature fearful of humans.  A few years ago, the City organized for Andrew Hughen to come speak to residents about the Department’s tips on dealing with coyotes.  Here’s what they had to say:

  • Keep your dogs and cats indoors at night and do not leave food bowls out overnight.
  • If confronted by a coyote, make loud noises and use negative reinforcement like yelling or throwing rocks in the animal’s direction.
  • Put away bird feeders at night to avoid attracting rodents and other coyote prey.
  • Provide secure enclosures for rabbits, chickens, etc.
  • Pick up fallen fruit and cover compost piles.
  • Never feed or attempt to tame coyotes.


There you have it.  Coyotes are like dogs and will remember how they got their last easy meal…and will keep returning to get their next.  Follow the tips above and ask your neighbors to follow them as well.  Coyotes play an important role in the ecosystem, helping to keep rodent populations under control.  Let’s help keep them wild.  To see more tips from the Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, please see their brochure, “Living with California Coyotes” at tinyurl.com/coyotebrochure.  These brochures and others are also available in the lobby of City Hall along with their “Keep Me Wild” brochure.  For everyone's safety, it is essential that coyotes retain their natural wariness of humans.  To report an aggressive coyote, please call Police dispatch at (415) 467-1212.  

Below is a helpful video that shows how to humanely haze an urban coyote. Even if you've never come across one in town, you should still know what to do to make it known to the coyote that your street or yard isn't where you'd like them to be.

Another video from Janet Kessler's site, www.coyoteyipps.com is below:

Here is a handout that Janet provided at a talk she gave at the Peninsula Humane Society on October 18, 2019, "Inside the Lives of Urban Coyotes".