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Open Space & Ecology Committee

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Open Space and Ecology Committee
05/24/2017 - 6:30pm to 8:30pm



May 24, 2017 6:30 PM
Community Meeting Room
Brisbane City Hall
50 Park Place, Brisbane, CA 94005

1. Adoption of the agenda

2. Oral Communications (public comment)*

3. Approval of the minutes

4. Subcommittee reports/ Calendar items/ Chair and committee member matters

5. Staff updates – Waste stream reduction Mission Blue Center, Bike to Work Day, Scoop Program, Firth Canyon Restoration, Acres Vegetation Management, Sandbags, Bayshore CIR Project,  Council resolution re: Wells Fargo and Dakota Access Pipeline, PG&E Economic Development program, Rules governing Committees and Commissions and social media usage relative to the Brown Act

6. Election of new Chair and Vice Chair

7. Next meeting: June 28, 2017 at 6:30 PM

8. Adjournment

*Public comment on the agenda items is welcome at the discretion of the Chair