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Open Space and Ecology Committee

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Open Space and Ecology Committee
02/11/2015 - 6:30pm to 9:00pm



Wednesday, February 11, 2015 6:30 PM
Community Meeting Room
Brisbane City Hall
50 Park Place, Brisbane, CA 94005

1. Adoption of the agenda
2. Oral Communications*
3. Approval of the minutes
4. Chair and committee member matters
5. Environmental Action Plan update and subcommittee update
a. Environmental Procurement Policy implementation
6. Earth Day and Habitat restoration day updates
7. Bike to work day
8. Subcommittee reports
a. Ad hoc subcommittee Brisbane acres lot coverage: Abney and Salmon
b. PCA subcommittee: Hayuk and Salmon
i. Future presentation of proposed application
c. Residential and commercial site treatments: paved vs permeable vs landscaping: Ebel and Fieldman
9. Staff updates: subcommittee recommendations of funds received from Shee Keng land sale, Community Choice Aggregation, Title 24 training, Volume II of the Open Space Plan, 2010 Municipal Greenhouse gas data
10. Adjournment

*Public comment on the agenda items is welcome at the discretion of the Chair

OSEC packet