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Open Space and Ecology Committee

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Open Space and Ecology Committee
08/15/2018 - 6:30pm

August 15, 2018 6:30 PM
Community Meeting Room
Brisbane City Hall
50 Park Place, Brisbane, CA 94005

1. Roll call
2. Adoption of the agenda
3. Oral Communications (public comment)*
4. Approval of the minutes
5. Presentation on Climate Action Plan Update for 2030 – Betty Seto, DNV GL
6. Consider recommending a City contribution to the Green Climate Fund
7. Subcommittee reports
8. Calendar items
9. Chair and committee member matters
10. Staff updates
11. Next meeting date: September 19, 2018 6:30 PM
12. Adjournment
*Public comment on the agenda items is welcome at the discretion of the Chair