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Download the MyShake App

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On the 30th anniversary of the Loma Prieta earthquake, Gov. Gavin Newsom yesterday announced the debut of the nation’s first statewide earthquake early warning system that will deliver alerts to people’s cellphones through an app developed at the University of California, Berkeley.  

The mobile phone app, MyShake, is available on both Apple and Android devices, and can provide seconds of warning before the ground starts to shake from a nearby quake - enough time to drop, cover, and hold on to prevent injury.

“Nothing can replace families having a plan for earthquakes and other emergencies,” said Newsom. “  And we know the ‘Big One’ might be around the corner.  I encourage every Californian to download this app and ensure your family is earthquake ready.”

Newsom announced the roll-out along with the Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES), UC Berkeley, United States Geological Survey (USGS), and several state and local political leaders.

Read more on UC Berkeley's site about this important announcement.