Home >> News >> 2012 02 24 >> Police Cars Get a New Look

Police Cars Get a New Look

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By: Commander Robert Meisner
Traditionally, Police cars have been Black and White. In the late 80’s and early 90’s, departments began experimenting with different paint schemes, one of the more popular at the time being a variation of all white. In 1989, the Brisbane Police Department followed suit and began deploying the all white design that we’ve had ever since.
In the late 1990’s, police departments began a migration back to the traditional black and white. Reasons cited for switching back were: better visibility, tradition, officer morale, crime reduction and community relations by giving the citizens the added comfort of seeing a “united” law enforcement front.
The men and women of the Brisbane Police Department take pride in our image and appearance in the community. The black and white patrol car is a tradition, and a universal sign of professionalism. With nearly every other agency having made the change, we feel that the time is appropriate for us to do so as well. As a result, and due to respect for the current economic situation, the officers of the Brisbane Police Officers Association have offered to pay for the painting of the first four cars. Future patrol cars will be ordered black and white from the manufacturer.
To enhance this new look, we are taking the opportunity to add our department motto to the side of the cars; “In Partnership with the Community.”  We take great pride in this approach to preserving the unique environment of the community we serve.
So the next time you see a black and white police car patrolling Brisbane, know that it is still the dedicated members of the Brisbane Police Department making every effort to enhance the services that we provide.