Home >> News >> 2011 08 12 >> Median on Bayshore

Median on Bayshore

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You may have noticed construction work being done in the middle of Bayshore this week.  Contractors were installing a median between the north and south lanes in order to make room for the bike lanes that will be installed and finished with rumble strips and striping (both of which will occur over the next couple weeks).  Crews were using an extruder machine/slipformer to easily and efficiently construct the median.  The concrete is pressed and full compacted by the time it exits the machine, resulting in far less cement consumption made and a median of the highest concrete compressive strength.  Take a look:

After the pre-cast median exits the machine, crews quickly make the finishing touch-ups before allowing it to dry.  It's safe to say, the advancement of technology such as this has allowed terms like, "All in a day's work." to take on whole new meanings.