Home >> News >> 2011 06 17 >> BES and Lipman Project Update

BES and Lipman Project Update

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Both the BES Restroom project and Lipman Slide Repair project are progressing as scheduled.  More visible work continues to be done each day.  If you go by the BES Field today, you'll notice a small excavator preparing the site area by grading, or making the ground level.  It's also going to be used to dig the footing where a small retaining wall will go.  A retaining wall is needed to keep the compacted gravel which the restroom will sit on in place, since the ground is naturally sloped.

The restroom facility be installed in the southeast corner of the field, between the backstop and the chain link fence that parallels San Bruno.

At Lipman, much larger equipment is needed.  That is because a much larger retaining wall is being constructed.  The below pictures show the hole being drilled for the pier (part of the support for the retaining wall), the contractor's workers setting the pier and making sure the pier is set at the required grade (elevation) and is plumb (straight). 

Stay tuned for more updates on the summer projects taking place in Public Works!