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Upcoming Projects

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Now that school's out and the weather's cooperating, there's not a better time than now to the execute Public Works projects which previously were in the planning design stages.  One of them is the BES Restroom installation at the corner of the BES field.  In the next couple weeks or so, a contractor will be conducting initial site work and grading before the actual facility (which is being assembled off-site) will be dropped in place (literally) and hooked up.  This will bring an end to the porta-potties that the City has been paying rent for all this time.  The project is being funded entirely from Dedicated Park In-Lieu Funds, so the City isn't paying a dime.

Another project that we've mentioned to you in recent weeks was the Lipman Slide Repair project.  Right now, if you go by that field, you'll see very skilled welders working on the beams that will be part of the retaining wall that's being installed on the hillside.  Please exercise caution when playing on the other side of the field, and stay behind the orange construction fencing.

Lastly, Public Works Dept. staff will be meeting with contractors on Monday to set a date for when construction will begin on the Bayshore Bikeway Project, Phase 2.  Phase 1 allowed for a bike lane to be installed on Bayshore from the City's southern limits to Valley Dr.  Phase 2 will extend the bike lane from Valley Dr. to the City's northern limits.  More details on this project and when construction of the bike lane will begin to come.  The City and its biking enthusiasts are excited for this project, which is also being paid for through state and federal funds.