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National Public Works Week

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National Public Works Week is observed each year during the third full week of May.  It is a celebration of the tens of thousands of men and women in North America who provide and maintain the infrastructure and services collectively known as Public Works.

Instituted as a public education campaign by the American Public Works Association (APWA) in 1960, NPWW calls attention to the importance of public works in community life. The Week seeks to enhance the prestige of the often-unsung heroes of our society - the professionals who serve the public good every day with quiet dedication.

And we know what great lengths our Public Works crew goes to to do their jobs...but how about you?  Most likely, you've seen them performing their more visible tasks, such as keeping the Community Park clear of litter, mowing, lining, and striping our fields so they're ready for youth and adult sporting activities, making home visits to make sure our toilets aren't running a leak, helping residents collect their green waste during the Annual Winter Clean-Up, and maintaining the street light fixtures and building facilities in town.  But what about the less visible tasks?  Our Public Works crew also keeps busy cleaning the sewage pipes, flushing the water lines, and exercising the valves so that water can be redirected in the case of an emergency situation. Clearly, they are responsible for many of the things we often take for granted and expect to "just work".  Of course, there isn't a service in existence that doesn't have a body behind the scenes ensuring things work as they're intended to.  Therefore, we wanted to give our Public Works Dept. the recognition they most indeed deserve.  Help us in doing so, especially during National Public Works Week, May 16th - 21st.