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Council Appoints A New Mayor

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On Monday, December 6, 2010, the City Council shifted gears.  More specifically, they appointed Cyril G. "Cy" Bologoff as Mayor for November 2010 - November 2011 and Steven W. Waldo as Mayor Pro Tem.  Clarke Conway, who served as Mayor in 2010 was recognized for his accomplishments in the past year, among them

supporting the designation of the Brisbane Roundhouse as a national resource,

joining in on the Rebuilding Together Peninsula Project, and helping oversee the design and launch of the City's new website, which you are presently surfing on.

Pictured below are Cy presenting Clarke with a proclamation and Sheri Spediacci, City Clerk, swearing in Cy and Steve as they begin service in their new positions.

We thank former Mayor Conway for his service to the Brisbane Community and the way he skillfully facilitated the City Council meetings this past year, and look forward to the new year with Mayor Bologoff at the helm.

To read more about the City Council and view the various Commissions, Subcommittees, Boards, and Associations they each serve on, please click here.

Baylands NOP

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The Notice of Preparation identifies environmental topics to be addressed in the forthcoming EIR for the Baylands Specific Plan.  You are invited to provide input regarding what environmental issues should be addressed in the forthcoming EIR.  Comments can be provided either electronically to eir@ci.brisbane.ca.us, or by mail to the City of Brisbane | Community Development Department | 50 Park Place | Brisbane, CA 94005.  Comments should be submitted no later than Monday, January 10, 2011.  

Additionally, an EIR scoping meeting will take place on Tuesday, January 4, 2011 at 7:00pm at Mission Blue Center - 475 Mission Blue Drive, Brisbane.  The public is invited to attend and provide input either verbally or in writing regarding what environmental issues should be addressed in the forthcoming EIR.  If you are not able to make the scoping meeting, then please submit your input either electronically or by mail, using the same contact information indicated above.
For more information about the Baylands, please click here.

Holiday Food Drives

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You will see a number of bins collecting food, clothing, and toy donations as you enter City Hall.

The Brisbane Police Department is holding their annual holiday food drive.  Drop off non-perishables at City Hall through December 24th.  Proceeds benefit residents of Brisbane and Second Harvest of San Mateo County.  The barrel is located in the lobby of City Hall.

The Brisbane Fire Department is also conducting their annual Toy Drive.  You'll see their red barrel in the lobby as well.

And finally, the Brisbane Women's Club is conducting a Charity Coat Drive.  A donation box can be found with the barrels.


Take the Fence Survey

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The City of Brisbane Planning Commission is considering changes to the City's zoning regulations as they pertain to fencing in residential areas.  The Commission wants the your input before making a recommendation.  If you are interested, then please take the Fence Survey and tell us what kind of fences you think would make good neighbors!


Note that this is survey is just one way to participate.  The Planning Commission will hold at least one public hearing on any proposed changes to the fence regulations, and the Community is invited to attend and participate.  The hearing date has not yet been scheduled.  If you are interested in receiving e-notification of the Planning Commission hearing(s), then please see the survey's final question.


Your opinion is important to us and thanks for participating.

Six "Bay to Ocean" Trails

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The San Mateo County Department of Parks is currently soliciting input about the draft San Bruno Mountain Area Map of the 2010 San Mateo County Trails Master Plan Update.

One of the most significant changes to the draft Master Plan Update is the proposed inclusion of a series of regional trails in an east to west direction from the San Francisco Bay to Pacific Ocean.  These six "Bay to Ocean" trails will link the regional trails that travel from north to south, from San Francisco to Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties.  Each Bay to Ocean Trail will begin on the San Francisco Bay Trail, cross the Juan Bautista de Anza Historic Trail (El Camino Real), Bay Area Ridge Trail, and end on the California Coastal Trail. The below map shows the Oyster Point to Fort Funston Trail.

Each Bay to Ocean alignment is intended to travel through public parks and open spaces as much as possible and use existing trails and bicycle paths and routes.  The County also hopes that each alignment can support multiple trail users such as pedestrians, cyclists, and equestrians.

Interested residents can comment on the Oyster Point to Fort Funston Trail by sending an e-mail or written comment to Cecily Harris.  Her contact information is below:

Cecily Harris | Financial Services Manager | San Mateo County | Department of Parks
455 County Center, 4th Floor | Redwood City, CA  94063-1646
(650) 363-4027 phone | (650) 599-1721 fax

