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The E-Waste Crisis

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This Christmas, many people (perhaps even you) will open their Christmas present to find a brand-new personal computer.  Or...laptop, ipod, flat-screen television, etc.  The saying, "Out with the old, in with the new!" will be thought, or maybe even spoken.  A trip to the next e-waste recycling center?  WAIT, not so fast.

You may be familiar with the phrase, "e-waste crisis".  In case you haven't heard about this yet, it's the result of e-waste recycling centers exporting containers upon containers of electronic waste from the United States to countries such as China and Ghana to dispose of it.  E-waste, however, contains precious metals which are extracted before the computer monitors, televisions, and laptops are burned...resulting in hazardous toxins escaping into the air.  In the process of doing so, the workers, often children, are exposed to toxins that cause grave damage to their physical health and, not to mention, the health of the planet.

So what can you do?  Well for one, consider whether you really need that latest gadget or electronic device.  If so, find another home for your current piece of equipment.  If it's still in working condition, you can consider saving it for a garage sale.  (If you live in Brisbane, you can participate in the City-Wide Garage Sale in July)!  Because, as they say..."one man's trash is another man's treasure".

But, if you really need to dispose of your older electronics, then bring it to a certified e-Stewards Recycler.  The e-Stewards certification program is an initiative of the Basel Action Network (BAN) -- you may have heard about them and their founder, Jim Puckett recently on a "Fresh Air" FM 88.5 broadcast: "After Dump, What Happens to Electronic Waste?"  To see where your nearest "e-cycler" is located, then please click here (mouse over the map and zoom in).  You'll see the closest one to Brisbane is located in Burlingame, at the GreenCitizen's San Mateo Eco-Center

To read and see more about the e-waste crisis, e-Stewards has a couple of videos you can stream from this page off their website.

We hope you will stop and think about the ramifications e-waste can have on a community, a country, and the planet.  Do your part and make sure your electronic waste is properly disposed of and bring it to an e-Stewards recycler.  It's only the environmetally-progressive and responsible thing to do!

Storm Alert

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Please use caution when traveling the roads this holiday season, as it's likely to be raining when you head out for last-minute Christmas shopping and meeting with family and friends.

Sandbags are available for residents at the Public Works Corporation Yard, located at Tunnel & Lagoon.

For Bay Area Weather Updates:

For PG&E Storm information:

For the Latest Traffic Reports:

San Mateo County Office of Emergency Services - Storm and Flood Preparedness Information from the County:

Next Council Meeting 1/18/2011

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The December 20, 2010 and January 3, 2011 City Council Meetings have been cancelled.  The Council will be convening next on Tuesday, January 18, 2010 at 7:30pm in the Community Meeting Room at City Hall - 50 Park Place, Brisbane.  The night's agenda will be posted on the City's website on the City Meetings page by Friday, January 14th.  If you would like to be notified when City Council agendas have been added to the website, please e-mail the City Clerk, Sheri Spediacci, at cityhall@ci.brisbane.ca.us, and request to be added to the e-mail distribution list.

Citynews December 2010

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Click here to read the December 2010 Citynews


24th Annual Festival of Lights

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The rain coming down outside couldn't quell the joyful singing that was coming from inside the Community Center last Sunday.  For the 24th year in a row now, on the first Sunday in December, the City has celebrated what's known as the "Festival of Lights".  This event traditionally takes place at the Community Park, but for the last couple years, the event's been moved to the Community Center (located below the Library) due to rain.  Fortunately, the Library is close enough to the Community Park that there's not a huge damper put on the rest of the night's festivities.  

BDW Adult Voice led off the night with Jerry Sully's penned, "Edgar Renteria", a tribute to the SF Giants, sung to the tune of "Rudolph, the Red-Nosed Reindeer".  Then, District Music Teacher Rob Johnson led the BES Choir in a medley of Christmas carols. 

Thomas Madrigal finished off with "I'll Be Home for Christmas" and then led the crowd in "Rockin' Round the Christmas Tree" -- he sure got them singing!

Much mingling, merrymaking, and munching took place inside the warmth of the Community Center, where Santa paid a visit...with at least 3 look-alikes standing by.

Thank you to Russ Carmick, Recreation Supervisor, who helped coordinate the event with the oversight of the Parks, Beaches, and Recreation Commissioners and the Community members whose participation gave the event a personal, Brisbane, touch!  And thank you also to the Public Works department who helped string lights on the tree earlier in the week!  It sure does sparkle...and lends more meaning to Brisbane being, truly, the City of Stars.
