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Artists' Evening of Sharing

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Brisbane Artists’ Evening of



February 5, 2011 at 7:30 PM


Mission Blue Center


475 Mission Blue Drive, Brisbane, CA  94005


Open to the public and free of charge.


Sponsored by the City of Brisbane with sincere thanks to the Brisbane City Council.


 Keith Moreau and Sam Ellis Moreau are making a film about many of talented artists that live and work in Brisbane.

You are invited to attend the 8th annual Brisbane Artists’ Evening of Sharing, a community gathering that makes Brisbane so special. All participants either work or live in Brisbane, and offer their talent to the community free of charge for an evening of delightful fun and entertainment.  Artists of all genres, art, film, written word, dance and music will showcase their work. The event starts are 7:30 pm at the Mission Blue Center.  Just before intermission, we honor an individual or group that has supported the arts in Brisbane and then celebrate with a buffet of goodies. 

Come join us and be inspired.

What's That Pounding Noise?

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A few residents have expressed their concern to the City over the seemingly incessant pounding noise that's been taking place over the last week or so.  Upon further investigation, it's been determined that the noise is a result of pile-driving near Candlestick Park (Harney Way) where SFPUC is constructing a new auxiliary sewer tunnel between the Sunnydale drainage basin (Visitacion Valley District) and the Sunnydale Transport/Storage Facility located just southwest of Candlestick Park. The new sewer tunnel will increase the capacity of the sewer collection system on Kelloch Avenue, Velasco Avenue, Talbert Street and Sunnydale Avenue during heavy rain periods.

The pile-driving at Harney Way was completed yesterday, but contractors of SFPUC will be moving to a new site (Sunnydale & Bayshore) early next week to begin pile-driving that will last for another week or so.  However, the level of noise that travels to Brisbane from this work should be largely reduced, as the area they will be working in will be only 25' x 25' (as opposed to the several hundred at Candlestick).  In addition, this location is much more shielded with structures in-between that will help absorb the noise.

If you have any further questions, please contact Kenya Briggs at (415) 554-0715 or via email at kbriggs@sfwater.org.

Council Goal Setting Workshop

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Each year, the City Council kicks off the budget process with its annual goal setting workshop. Past workshops have been held on a weekend morning; however, this year, in order to allow more community input, Council decided to hold it on a Monday evening and have it broadcast on Channel 27.

The workshop will start at 7:30pm in the Community Meeting Room at City Hall.  Come and learn where the City stands financially now and in the future, its community values, and the key, present-day issues facing Brisbane.  To view the night's agenda and its accompanying staff report, please click here.

SFO Aircraft Noise Presentation

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Having become a more widespread issue within the community, the City wanted to excerpt the section of last Tuesday's City Council meeting when Bert Ganoung, a representative from SFO's Aircraft Noise Abatement Office, presented on the measures his office is taking to have overhead aircraft noise be less of a nuisance in town.  You can watch that presentation and the public comment that followed by clicking the Play button below or by tuning in to Ch. 27 on the dates and times when replays of this presentation have been scheduled.

Replays on Channel 27:

Sunday, Jan. 30 - 1:00pm - 2:15pm
Monday, Jan. 31 - 10:00am - 11:15am
Tuesday, Feb. 1 - 12:00pm - 1:15pm
Wednesday, Feb. 2 - 10:00am - 11:15am
Thursday, Feb. 3 -12:00pm - 1:15pm
Friday, Feb. 4 - 8:30am - 9:45am
Saturday, Feb. 5 - 4:00pm - 5:15pm
Sunday, Feb. 6 - 11:30am - 12:15pm

Please continue to log any airport noise complaints online by e-mailing sfo.noise@flysfo.com.

Possible Mountain Lion Sighting

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At approximately 4:12pm this afternoon, the Brisbane Police Dept. received a report that a mountain lion had been seen in the vicinity of Harold Street.  The mountain lion was last seen running away into the hills behind the residences.

Mountain lions typically avoid people and would rather avoid a confrontation. But if you happen to see one, DO NOT APPROACH IT. If you ever come across one, do not run. Rather, you'd want to first face the animal, make noise, and wave your arms so that you appear bigger. For more information about mountain lions, click here.

News about the sighting was first delivered over SMC Alert. If you haven't already signed up to receive electronic messages sent to either your phone or e-mail (or, both), you can do so by visiting smcalert.info. Get signed up, and get informed!
