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City News

Holiday Food Drives

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You will see a number of bins collecting food, clothing, and toy donations as you enter City Hall.

The Brisbane Police Department is holding their annual holiday food drive.  Drop off non-perishables at City Hall through December 24th.  Proceeds benefit residents of Brisbane and Second Harvest of San Mateo County.  The barrel is located in the lobby of City Hall.

The Brisbane Fire Department is also conducting their annual Toy Drive.  You'll see their red barrel in the lobby as well.

And finally, the Brisbane Women's Club is conducting a Charity Coat Drive.  A donation box can be found with the barrels.


2010 Seasonal Flu Shot Clinics

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The Health System will continue offering seasonal flu vaccine at clinics throughout the County in December for all residents age 6 mos. or older.  These public clinics do not require making an appointment in advance, and no I.D. is necessary.  Click here to view the locations where seasonal flu shot clinics will be held (this information is also available for viewing in multiple languages).

If you're unable to make these dates and times, a number of retail locations are also offering the seasonal flu vaccine.  Click here to view a map of the retail locations near Brisbane you may go to get vaccinated. 

Library Survey

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What is most important to you about the Brisbane Library? As the San Mateo County Library evaluates its services and budgetary restraints, the Library would like to find out which areas of the Library you use (and appreciate) the most. Please share your thoughts by filling out this very short (1 page) online survey. Thank you for your participation!  To read more about the Brisbane Library, please click here.

Artists' Evening of Sharing

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Calling all Artists!  The Eighth Annual Artists’ Evening of Sharing with Brisbane Artists is calling for entries!  This year’s event will be held Saturday, February 5, 2011.  Artists of all varieties have an opportunity to share their talents with the Brisbane Community during an evening of inspiration and enchantment.  Each artist will present a short slide show, video or performance of music, dance, theatre or spoken word.  The deadline to enter is January 10th, 2011.  Presenters will not be officially entered until you have provided your name, address, phone number and cell phone number, email address, a short description of your presentation, all technical requests, and a bio of 150 words or less to Beth Grossman at beth@bethgrossman.com.

When Artists get together, anything is possible.

