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2007-2014 Housing Element

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On Tuesday night, the City Council adopted the 2007-2014 Housing Element after very in-depth public hearings during 2010.  You can read the Housing Element in its entirety on the City's website by clicking on the image below, or by going to City Hall, the Library (250 Visitacion Ave.), or Madhouse Coffee (402 Visitacion Ave.), where a copy of the Housing Element is available.  Note: Madhouse Coffee is not an official posting place for the City; all agendas will be posted still at City Hall and the Library only, and of course online on the City Meetings page.  It will simply be a place for you to pick up a bound copy of important public documents such as the Housing Element to peruse, perhaps over a cup of coffee.  Thank you to Ron Davis of Madhouse Coffee for being so accommodating with his already-limited ledger space!

Amendments to the Zoning Ordinance will be considered by the Planning Commission and City Council through 2011 and 2012 to reflect the new Housing Element policies and programs.  The first of these is scheduled for the Planning Commission's Regular Meeting of January 27, 2011 and is regarding accommodation for housing for persons with disabilities and updating the height limit exceptions.  If you would like to get more information about the Housing Element, please contact the Planning Dept. at planning@ci.brisbane.ca.us or call 415-508-2120.