Home >> News >> 2011 01 19 >> Flooding in Brisbane, QLD

Flooding in Brisbane, QLD

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As you are well aware, our sister city Brisbane, in the Australian state of Queenland, experienced catastrophic flooding following unusually heavy rainfall on January 10, 2011. With the ground already saturated from previous rainfall events, an estimated 20,000 homes in suburbs outside the capital city of Queensland experienced severe damage with the flooding of the Brisbane River.  The photo above shows the brown, sediment-laden waters of the Brisbane River that have flooded nearby low-land neighborhoods.  The community of Rocklea was hit especially hard with flood waters.

On Monday of this week, severe storms hit Brisbane and the City of Ipswich, which is about 40 miles southeast of Brisbane.  Train services that were re-opened the day before following the floods, were again cut moments before the storm struck.  At the height of the storms, 24,000 homes and businesses were blacked out, after 100 power lines were knocked down.  11,000 customers are still without power. 

Our sentiments and thoughts are with the residents of Brisbane, Lord Mayor Newman and his fellow Councillors, as well as the residents of Ipswich, mayor Paul Pisasale, and Councillors. 

Anyone wishing to give financially to the cities of Brisbane and Ipswich can do so securely by visiting the below sites. 

Donate to the Queensland Government Flood Relief Appeal

Donate to Ipswich Flood Appeal

If donating through other websites, please be sure to check the legitimacy of the charities before donating to help flood victims in central and south east Queensland. Click here for more information.