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Piloting New Water Metering System

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The City of Brisbane has begun initial steps to upgrading our outdated water metering system with a system that will automatically relay customer’s water usage to the City’s water billing system through a secured network. antennaThis new Advanced Meter Infrastructure (AMI) offers many benefits to both the City and the consumer.

The new AMI metering system will eventually allow customers to track and manage their daily water use and be notified of leaks or unusual high uses. The City will benefit from this real time data by providing staff much needed information to better manage our City’s valuable water resources along with significantly reducing staff time by automatically acquiring the customer meter data.  

The first phase of this project will be a series of small pilot tests with prospective vendors.  This initial pilot program will allow the City to test the capabilities of each AMI system and thereby assist staff with choosing a system that best fits our unique topography, customer base and staff resources.

A temporary antenna, similar to the one pictured here, will be placed at the City’s Glen Park Utility site during the duration of the pilot program.

Please contact the Public Works Department at (415) 508-2137 if you have any questions.